You Are Limitless…

It’s time to give yourself some space to explore. When’s the last time you were quiet and undistracted—maybe outside in nature or in a cozy spot in your home with devices off—and allowed yourself to JUST BE, daydream and wander? Allowing thoughts and ideas to arise and travel from one to another without hesitation. Feeling nudges and Spirit-longings come to the surface to be exposed and nourished? We need time and space to hear promptings, to receive insights, direction and inspiration. We have to gift ourselves this time. You are worth it. Yes, the laundry and notifications will still be there, that’s OK. You need this dreamy space to receive, adjust, change, grow—and become the best version of YOU!

Absorb these song lyrics from Limitless by Colton Dixon:

Oh wake up you dreamers
Become make-believers
This is who we are

We are limitless, limitless
Limitless, limitless
The power of love
Alive in us
Is limitless, limitless
Unstoppable and nothing less
No nothing can hold us down
We are limitless

Doubt sees a mountain, no way around it
Faith sees a victory, no doubt about it
Fear sees a ceiling, hope sees the stars
Love be the light inside of our hearts

“Awaken to the storyteller within and share your story with the world. Tell it with joy and flair. Commit to telling it with love and passion. Tell it through living your life fully, doing your work well, and creating the best life you can. Be who you are and love being that. Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls.” ~ Melody Beattie

“… ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.’ But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by his Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets.” ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 

Hear the deep secrets. Awaken to the storyteller within. Remember you are LIMITLESS = without end or boundary.


Develop A Vision ✨

“Take time to develop a vision. As above, so below. First it happens in spirit. Then it manifests in the physical. Not the other way around. First we see a vision. Our soul tells us through the words and eyes of our heart. Then the steps become clear and we see the order in which they should be taken. We waste so much time and effort when we try to accomplish something before we have envisioned it. Learn to let the vision come first. Take time to shape it in spirit before you try to shape it in physical form. If you can’t see something clearly, the vision may not be complete. Take the time you need to think about it, to let it come into focus, to let the vision take shape in your mind. Operating from vision will guide us onto our highest path. It will also make our life and work much easier.” ~ Melody BeattieJourney to the Heart

Take time to develop a vision for all you want to do. Let your vision guide you. When it manifests itself first in spirit, the physical form will follow.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

Jonathan Swift

The Open Door 
A door opens. Maybe I’ve been standing here shuffling my weight from foot to foot for decades, or maybe I only knocked once. In truth, it doesn’t matter. A door opens and I walk through without a backward glance. This is it, then, one moment of truth in a lifetime of truth; a choice made, a path taken, the gravitational pull of Spirit too compelling to ignore any longerI am received by something far too vast to see. It has roots in antiquity but speaks clearly in the present tense. “Be,” the vastness says. “Be without adverbs, descriptors, or qualities. Be so alive that awareness bares itself uncloaked and unadorned. Then go forth to give what alone you can give, awake to love and suffering, unburdened by the weight of expectations. Go forth to see and be seen, blossoming, always blossoming into your magnificence.” Danna Faulds


Wait. Wonders are unfolding. Cultivate silence. God speaks in silences. A silence, a soft wind, each can be a message to convey My meaning to the heart, though by no voice, or even word. Each word or thought of yours can be like a pearl that you drop into the secret place of another heart, and in some hour of need, lo! the recipient finds the treasure and realizes for the first time its value. Individual efforts avail nothing. It is only the work of the Universal Spirit—My Spirit—that counts.” ~ God Calling: The Secret Pearl

Recharging Mudra Flow

We give so much of ourselves everyday and in every way. Remember to take time to meditate, to listen, receiving Divine love, peace, wisdom and strength. Continue to develop your vision and be a radiant offering and blessing to others!

Mudra = seal; an action taken to lock in an intention.
1. Inhale in Anjali (offering) mudra at heart center. 2. Exhale as you cup hands into Kapota (Dove, gesture of peace) mudra. 3. Inhale as you bring fingertips inward to create the budding of a flower. 4. Exhale into Pushpanjali (offering of flowers) mudra; representing your offering or service to others. 5. Inhale lifting hands into Padma (lotus, openness & growth), receiving & recharging in Divine love. 6. Exhale drawing all from above into heart center, Anjali mudra. ♡

Mandala of Compassion 💮

Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle or spirit. The mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community. “Each person’s life is like a mandala, a vast limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life. Everything that shows up in your mandala is a vehicle for your awakening. From this point of view, awakening is right at your fingertips continually. But it’s up to you whether your life is a mandala of neurosis or a mandala of sanity.” ~Pema Chodran

Our intention for this week is to invite more interconnectedness, compassion and wholeness into our lives. Yoga Sutra lll.24 (maitryadisu balani) teaches the cultivation of friendliness creates inner strength. Experiencing healthy compassion and lovingkindness toward ourselves and others strengthens our interconnectedness and sense of well-being. I love this passage from The Message“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.” (Colossians 3:12-14, MSG)

“We typically think of our emotional range as something that is fixed and unchanging, a reflection of the personality we’re born with. But research is revealing the possibility that we may be able to cultivate and increase our ability to feel the emotional state of compassion. Researchers have found that feeling connected to others is as learnable as any other skill.” ~ Kelly McGonigal

💮 Where and with whom in your life can you experience more interconnectedness and wholeness, lovingkindness and compassion? 

💮 Personal transformation occurs in circles, not rows. Who’s in your inner circle, supporting you, yet challenging you to grow?

Awakening Compassion Guided Meditation

Gently close your eyes. Roll the shoulders up, back and down. Take 3 deep breaths. Place your hands in a comfortable position. Settle in.

Imagine the horizon spanning through your chest with a radiant sun rising in your innermost center—your heart. As though being melted by the solar warmth, release tension in your shoulders and across your throat. Soften your forehead and rest your attention inward on the light deep within. Take 3 smooth, even breaths. As you inhale, invite the glow from your heart to expand toward the inner surface of the body. With each exhale, let the light recede. Take another 3 peaceful breaths.

Attuning deeply to your heart center, offer compassion to yourself, honoring your journey wholeheartedly, dissolving all self-judgment, shame and guilt naturally.

As you embrace yourself compassionately, you enhance your ability to offer lovingkindness to those you care for deeply, embracing both their positive and challenging qualities.

Bring into your heart the image of someone you care for deeply, releasing any expectation of how they should be, creating a space of openness in which their transformation, and yours, can occur more easily. Take a full, deep breath.

As you offer compassion to yourself and to those you care for deeply, you gradually develop the ability to offer compassion to those with whom you experience separation or difficulty.

Bring into your heart the image of someone you find challenging, perceiving their authentic being rather than focusing on their actions and beliefs. Take a full, deep breath.

As you hold this person within your heart of compassion, clearly see that all of their actions are based on a need for love, support and security, even if those needs are expressed inappropriately.

By seeing this person compassionately, your feelings of judgment, anger and resentment are released more easily, allowing you to see this person and yourself more objectively, while creating safe and appropriate boundaries. Take a deep, cleansing breath.

Now, open your heart of compassion to all beings, honoring each person’s journey, recognizing that all of us are moving, within the limits our our understanding, toward a vision of love, peace, freedom and joy.

Affirm your growing compassion, repeating the following intention 3 times, aloud or silently: With a heart of compassion, I clearly see that we all share a journey toward love, peace, freedom and joy.

Take a full, deep breath. When you are ready, open your eyes, returning slowly and gently, sensing your heart of compassion guiding your journey.

~ Adapted from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian Le Page

💮 Continue to radiate love and compassion, expanding your life mandala. 💮

Always Into Love by Danna Faulds

On this voyage of
the soul, may we be
bridge builders,
our common ground
visible beneath the
surface differences.

May we braid the
threads of reconciliation
into a chain of possibility
that joins, heals, and
includes what once 
seemed separate.

May our shared prayer
be answered: to grow
so open that there is
no “them” or “us,”
only the One, moving
always into love.
