Root Down To Rise Up! 🌲

Root down to rise up. Humility initiates gratitude. In fact, the root word of humble means “ground or earth.” To be humble, then, is to be grounded, which naturally leads to a more calm, present state. We not only feel more grounded in our own selves, but also in our connection to others. When we are humble, we feel less compelled to control everything or to prove ourselves to others, which makes it easier to settle down inside and to have more inner peace. When we rest in humility, gratitude naturally follows. What are you grateful for? The power of gratitude never wanes. Say it when you feel and believe it. Say it when you don’t. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. When the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind.

“The forest is your friend. It tells you that all is well. Look around. See the tallest tree. See that it has weathered every storm, and millimeter by millimeter, ring by ring, continued its growth over centuries. Know that you have grown that way, too. Rise slowly when it’s time. Find your path. Feel the earth beneath your feet, supporting you, giving you strength, filling you with grounded energy.” ~ Melody Beattie

“The only block there can be in your channel is self. Keep that out, and know that My Spirit is flowing through. Therefore all must be the better for coming in contact with you, because you are a channel. See this, and you will think it natural to know they are being helped, not by you, but by My Spirit flowing through you as a channel.” ~ God Calling, Self Kills Power

Quiet Revolution, by Danna Faulds

Mine is a quiet revolution.
No fireworks light the sky
proclaiming liberation, just
the sure sense of presence
filling me with stillness.
I can’t seem to worry
anymore, can’t make myself
rush to finish what I once
deemed so important. Instead,
I stand awestruck before the
sunrise, grateful for another
day to love and be loved —
so simple and so humbling.

May you be grounded and grateful. Root down to rise up. 🌲 Be an open vessel for Spirit to move.

When the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind.

Inhale PEACE, exhale GRATITUDE.


Soulful Messages ❤️

I’m so excited to announce the release of a brand-new book, 365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time. It’s filled with 365 personal stories that contain uplifting signs and messages that helped each author change their life in a positive way. Over 200 beautiful souls from all around the world are part of it, including me! 😊


This special book is filled with over 450 pages of such positive, loving energy, and we know that it’s going to be so uplifting for so many. The stories range from the miraculous to the mundane (but still important), from the spiritual to the secular, from the subtle and nuanced to the dramatic and impossible to miss!

My personal entries include Joyce Moments — a dedication to my Mom who passed in 2018, and Mala Messages — an experience of how God confirmed my complete healing. May these stories help us all to H.E.A.L. — HEED, EXPERIENCE, AWAKEN, LIVE!

Click HERE to order from Amazon TODAY! Plus, if you order now, you’ll receive lots of soulful bonus gifts – all created by the contributing authors – including guided meditations, ebooks, ecourses, and much more! It makes a great gift for friends, family, and anyone else who loves to be inspired and amazed…including yourself! ❤️

Beyond grateful!


Mandala of Compassion 💮

✨Love ~ Serve ~ Inspire✨

Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle or spirit. The mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community. “Each person’s life is like a mandala, a vast limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life. Everything that shows up in your mandala is a vehicle for your awakening. From this point of view, awakening is right at your fingertips continually. But it’s up to you whether your life is a mandala of neurosis or a mandala of sanity.” ~Pema Chodran

Our intention for this week is to invite more interconnectedness, compassion and wholeness into our lives. Yoga Sutra lll.24 (maitryadisu balani) teaches the cultivation of friendliness creates inner strength. Experiencing healthy compassion and lovingkindness toward…

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Cutting Cords ✄

✨Love ~ Serve ~ Inspire✨

In every relationship, people are constantly exchanging energy that can become a cord connecting two people. This energetic cord forms just below the breastbone and can remain long after a relationship has ended. This unbroken cord may leave an open channel between you and another person, through which emotions and energy can continue to flow. If you are unaware that the cord exists, it is easy to feel the other person’s emotions and mistakenly think that they are yours. Besides the fact that this can limit the amount of closure you can experience in a relationship, letting this cord remain intact can leave you with a continued sense of sadness while creating feelings of lethargy as your own energy is sapped from you. Cutting the cord can help you separate yourself from old baggage, unnecessary attachments, and release you from connections that are no longer serving you.

Finding and cutting…

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