Develop A Vision ✨

“Take time to develop a vision. As above, so below. First it happens in spirit. Then it manifests in the physical. Not the other way around. First we see a vision. Our soul tells us through the words and eyes of our heart. Then the steps become clear and we see the order in which they should be taken. We waste so much time and effort when we try to accomplish something before we have envisioned it. Learn to let the vision come first. Take time to shape it in spirit before you try to shape it in physical form. If you can’t see something clearly, the vision may not be complete. Take the time you need to think about it, to let it come into focus, to let the vision take shape in your mind. Operating from vision will guide us onto our highest path. It will also make our life and work much easier.” ~ Melody BeattieJourney to the Heart

Take time to develop a vision for all you want to do. Let your vision guide you. When it manifests itself first in spirit, the physical form will follow.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

Jonathan Swift

The Open Door 
A door opens. Maybe I’ve been standing here shuffling my weight from foot to foot for decades, or maybe I only knocked once. In truth, it doesn’t matter. A door opens and I walk through without a backward glance. This is it, then, one moment of truth in a lifetime of truth; a choice made, a path taken, the gravitational pull of Spirit too compelling to ignore any longerI am received by something far too vast to see. It has roots in antiquity but speaks clearly in the present tense. “Be,” the vastness says. “Be without adverbs, descriptors, or qualities. Be so alive that awareness bares itself uncloaked and unadorned. Then go forth to give what alone you can give, awake to love and suffering, unburdened by the weight of expectations. Go forth to see and be seen, blossoming, always blossoming into your magnificence.” Danna Faulds


Wait. Wonders are unfolding. Cultivate silence. God speaks in silences. A silence, a soft wind, each can be a message to convey My meaning to the heart, though by no voice, or even word. Each word or thought of yours can be like a pearl that you drop into the secret place of another heart, and in some hour of need, lo! the recipient finds the treasure and realizes for the first time its value. Individual efforts avail nothing. It is only the work of the Universal Spirit—My Spirit—that counts.” ~ God Calling: The Secret Pearl

Recharging Mudra Flow

We give so much of ourselves everyday and in every way. Remember to take time to meditate, to listen, receiving Divine love, peace, wisdom and strength. Continue to develop your vision and be a radiant offering and blessing to others!

Mudra = seal; an action taken to lock in an intention.
1. Inhale in Anjali (offering) mudra at heart center. 2. Exhale as you cup hands into Kapota (Dove, gesture of peace) mudra. 3. Inhale as you bring fingertips inward to create the budding of a flower. 4. Exhale into Pushpanjali (offering of flowers) mudra; representing your offering or service to others. 5. Inhale lifting hands into Padma (lotus, openness & growth), receiving & recharging in Divine love. 6. Exhale drawing all from above into heart center, Anjali mudra. ♡

Show up.

You have a true gift. You make a difference each and every day. The practice of offering SELFLESS SERVICE is called SEVA in the Sanskrit language. SEVA is love in action, offering service without expectation of reward. Who has showed up for you? How are you showing up for others? ♡

“Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply use yourself, your life will count for plenty.” ~ Matthew 23:11-12, The Message

Take a few deep breaths and imagine an ordinary day. An average day, with the normal routine as you currently experience it on a regular basis. Where do you go? Who do you see? What do you do? Briefly extend your thoughts to include your week. Now reaching out and extending even further to include reoccurring appointments and plans on your calendar each month. How do you spend your time? Spend a few moments picturing the places, the faces, and the activities that fill your days and nights. What does you life look like? Look at the big picture and then very kindly ask yourself, “How much of that time do I spend reaching out to help others?” Take care with your answer, honestly, gently investigating the truth. Acknowledge any lack of effort or desire on your part, the missed opportunities. Without any shame or guilt simply inquire, “What would love have looked like there?” Bring to mind the gratitude that you have felt when a hand reached out to help you. Remember the feelings of compassion and usefulness when you in turn were moved to serve someone in need. Now begin to shift your focus to the days and the weeks ahead, to that routine that plays out month after month and notice all the opportunities to express love and service in the future. Pay attention to all of the spaces in between, all the moments, the hours and the days with room for a smile, a phone call, a cup of coffee, or maybe even something more. Think of all the big and small ways that you can share and express the joy and love that can be found in every aspect of the ordinary day. ~ Marta Mrotek, Miracle in Progress

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

The Starfish Story (Adapted): by Loren Eiseley
One day a man was walking along the beach, when he noticed a boy hurriedly picking up and gently throwing things into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “Young man, what are you doing?”
The boy replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”
The man laughed to himself and said, “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make any difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference to that one.” 

“I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~ Mother Teresa

“At the deepest level of union with the divine presence flows action, service to others that is freer of self. This service may not be big, showy, or even noticeable. This form of service may be hidden, unseen, but very real to anyone whose perception is refined enough to appreciate it — just like God.” ~ David Frenette

Selfless Service (Seva) Meditation:
Sit comfortably with Pushpaputa mudra (open cupped hands).

Breath deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Invite the Divine to enter into your meditation.
Say to yourself: Divine, help me get out of my own way. Help me be of service to someone else. Please show me who to serve, and how to serve. What miracles would you have me perform?
Sit in stillness and listen to the inner guidance.
Now, imagine giving the precious gift of selfless service.

The Simple Path: by Mother Teresa
Silence is Prayer
Prayer is Faith
Faith is Love
Love is Service
The fruit of Service is Peace.

I have a true gift.
My life is filled with limitless opportunities!
How am I sharing my time and talents to help and serve others unconditionally?
Are there some new avenues to explore? ♡

I Found You. ❤️

Quest by Susan Frybort
Take me past
the guarded place
in you
where confusion
covers itself
in unrelenting confidence
then marches on
In lively steps
Take off the facade
let it fall away
into nowhere
Turn around and face me
I search the infinite depth
where beyond all entrenchments
I find your thirst
to be met 
and understood
the sadness in your bones,
the want of your silent cries
to be heard
and be known—
abiding within those 
unseen landscapes
is a world of precious
Let me touch where
the battle wounds
lie quietly healing—
Buried beneath
an armored sheath
rests a lifetime of love
and loneliness,
blame and triumph, 
honor and defeat
Within this blended web
of scars and treasures,
glistening with honesty,
there you are—
beneath the soldier’s plated heart
So loosen the knots around my own
see all its agony bared and mending
and in between each open space
we’ll breathe upon the frailty
All the wishful longings to be had
bring to me yours
as I meet you there with mine.

This week we focus on TRUTH and INTEGRITY — aligning our thoughts, words and actions. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, SATYA, or truthfulness, is identified as the second yama (observance, social behavior) on the path of yoga. The guiding principle in adhering to satya is removing what the yogis refer to as the “veil of self deception.” When body, mind, and spirit are in sync, truth rises to the top. In Hebrew, integrity means whole or complete. Be motivated by the truth in your innermost being. Create the space and time to listen for inner truth, heeding any wisdom received. “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” ~ Psalm 51:6

❤︎  I connect to the truth deep within. 
❤︎  I listen with an open heart.
❤︎  I am safe to make changes and move forward.

Value your connection to truth…We often know the truth long before we let ourselves see and believe it, long before we’re ready to acknowledge it. For many reasons — fear, timing, and a myriad of issues too long to list — we ignore and discount what we know in our heart. But the truth doesn’t go away. And even if we try to run from that truth, our experiences will ultimately lead us back to it.”

 Melody BeattieJourney to the Heart

Remember a time when you listened to the voice of your own conscience and experienced the power of embracing your truth. What did it feel like in your body and inner being?

Now be open to any ways you are not acting with integrity at this time in your life — not living your truth. When is your behavior clouded by desire or aversion, or influenced by someone else’s expectations? How does this feel in your body and mental self? Experience without judgement, observe and just be aware.

Observation and awareness are the first steps toward change. 

Quest to find the true you. You are safe to make changes and move forward. Integrity is your legacy.

“No more running, no more hiding, no more hurting, no more crying,
no more trouble, no more sighing, no more falling, no more striving,
no more heartache, no more fighting, no more fears, only FLYING!”
Lifehouse, lyrics from Flight

What truth do you need to hear or speak this week? ❤️

Challenging Times Build Our Story.

Challenging times build our inner strength. They develop our faith, refine our character, and GIVE US A UNIQUE STORY. It is always enjoyable to have the mountaintop experiences in life, but we learn the most during the valley times. Challenging times are often the gifts we do not want. As Hellen Keller stated, “character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Three things to remember and ask yourself: (1) What you go through, you grow through. (2) It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish. (3) We all have a story: How are you using your unique story to help others? (4) Are there some new avenues to explore?

“Sometimes, the road ahead is blocked, but clearing the way becomes part of our journey. Learn to tell when it’s time to let go, to surrender, to search for another road, a different path, another dream. But also learn to tell when it’s time to move forward, through obstacles if need be, because the dream is electric, charged by Divine energy and love. If a side trip is beckoning, perhaps there’s a lesson there: an old feeling to be felt, healed and cleared; a new attitude or belief to be acquired; a revelation, a surprise. Remember this: a side trip, with all it’s emotions, isn’t about another person. It’s about you and your journey to healing, freedom, and joy. Ignoring a situation that can take you off center won’t take you to the next place. Going more deeply into your own growth process, going more deeply into your soul is what will further your journey. Everything that happens to you can be used, felt, shaped and transformed to further your journey. This process of growth, of side trips and healing, is your destiny, the magical journey of your soul.” ~ Melody Beattie

“My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character is welded.” ~ Steve Maraboli

What voice from your past, yours or someone else’s, do you need to silence today? Reflect upon the challenges in your life and be thankful for them. Three great rules to live by: no blaming, no shaming, no judgement. In gratitude, focus on those qualities in yourself and others that inspire you and spur you on!


Let’s journey together through a motivating meditation… Take a few deep, centering breaths… Now, reflect upon your ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YEARS and think of your FAVORITE TEACHER. Notice who comes to mind first. Visualize this special person. Did they have a unique voice, smell, distinguishing feature or mannerism? What did they say or do that was memorable and inspiring? How did you feel in their presence? What qualities did/do you respect about this teacher?

And now, fast forward into your HIGH SCHOOL YEARS and choose one YOUTH LEADER, COACH, COUNSELOR or TEACHER who positively influenced your life path. Visualize this individual: their smile, their gaze, their listening ear. What did they say or do that was motivating and encouraging? How did you feel in their presence? What qualities did/do you respect about this leader?

Now dwell upon a CURRENT MENTOR, COACH, TEACHER who challenges and lovingly spurs you on to the next level. Visualize their whole being, their essence—body, mind and spirit. What do they say and do that is heart-felt and wise? How do you feel in their presence? What qualities do you treasure about this respected guide?

Encompass now these three influential people. Are there any common themes or threads in your teachers, coaches, and mentors? Can you choose ONE QUALITY, ONE WORD that describes them all? Notice what arises first.

Looking at your own life, does this ONE QUALITY, ONE WORD represent you and how you desire to inspire and influence others?


How do others feel in your presence? What do you say and do that is motivating and memorable? Allow yourself to smile in gratitude and joy for those who have inspired you and for those you inspire.


Remember, it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish. We all have a story, now use your story to help others. 
